24hr Emergency Helpline  0116 255 1122
24hr Emergency Helpline
0116 255 1122
Possession of a bladed article

Possession of a bladed article
D was charged with possession of a bladed article (knife) which was located within a vehicle that he had been present in/driving. The vehicle did not belong to him.

D maintained that he had no knowledge of the knife being in the centre console of the vehicle.

The Prosecution alleged that he was in possession of the knife as this was in the vehicle that he was arrested from.

Detailed consideration of the Prosecution evidence and willingness to challenge this evidence on the day of trial resulted in a successful trial whereupon D was acquitted of the offence by the Magistrates.

Defence Law Ltd,
Rutland House,
23-25 Friar Lane,
Leicester LE1 5QQ

0116 255 1122

9.00 am to 5.30 pm



Criminal Defence

Motoring Offences